Looks like I am something :)

David Foster Wallace
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!
Sailing through the tides of life ,with all the sweet moments and some bitter moments to treasure...and i am finally here to talk about all that and a little more...
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!
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1:31 PM
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6:38 PM
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10:25 PM
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11:53 PM
One might be astonished with such a obscure title,I couldnt think of anything better.Before i proceed with the lucid narration of my recent experience;Well this aint a fiction ,every character resembles a real world entity(Dont confuse with an Object 'OOPS concept').
Okay, it went something like this;It was arnd 9.30 in the eve as yet another human being i too sometime suffer from emotional swings (not because of hormonal changes);I felt like taking a stroll but was lethargic to go for one.Suddenly i realized there that i am hungry!!!!Well u know work takes the toll and u get hardly any time to think about one's food;So i thought may be i can take a walk to the bakery shop and listen to some really nice soft music on the way in my ROCKR(MOTOROLA inc),which i was crazy about in fact crazy is an understatement.This eatery place is not a sophisticated darshini or any other condiments shop,its just another Bakery ;serves awesome tea and yeah the usual supplements with it!!!The best part of it is it faces the main road and u can feel the fast paced life of Bengaluru.
I embarked on my mission to quench my hunger and soothe my mind with the cool breeze and some soft music of 70's!!!!I was at my usual pace,i chose to take a shortcut which was the point i faltered in.The short cut looks like an abandoned plot ,lots of shrubs of about my height on one side and on the other side there is a Fallow land.I was like swinging to the tunes of the song not missing even a single chord of it.Suddenly some dog gets a little wacky and starts barking at me.I was oblivious to its barking for a while;suddenly it was joined by a cabal of dogs !!!It looked as if they were barking mutinously!!!I still pretended to neglect them and continued walking!!!Hoping that everything would be fine,all i was wishing for was GOD just help me reach the end of the fallow land and ll not take short cuts for the rest of my life;but God as usual had some different plan for me.
Its always said that nothing happens until one takes an initiative ,same was the case with the pack of dogs that were barking!!!I was wishing that the saying 'Barking dogs never bite' be true;but by all means it turned out to be False.The Black Dog took the initiative and started running towards me!!!I aint a olympic sprint champion to give a dog good run!!!I was like perplexed for a moment;i was counting the pros and cons of my responses!!!!
Suddenly one verse of Shantaram just struck my mind;I turned around took a quick dash towards the shrubs,i could feel the Black dog chasing me!!!I ran ,i ran for my life .........
For the first time in my life i wasn't afraid of the shrubs,nothing seemed to fear me off apart from the #$%^*! dog!!I prayed for my life..and took shelter in thick shrubs,suddenly i realize my ROCKR is missing .....I thought it wasn't a priority,the dog was still sniffing to find my trace !!!The worst part is this dogs upright action seemed to have influenced the rest of flock and they were after me too...I really don't know what for!!!!Yeah in those shrubs i had to stand motionless ,i was counting each breath of mine making sure it doesn't leave any trace ......Hush those few moments still send a cold wave down my spine!!!I waited out there,suddenly i find the flock of dogs vanishing behind the dark and i was waiting for someone to pass through that so that i could sneak out .....
After a few minute's few villagers happen to pass by ,i called for them and asked if the dogs had gone off...I couldn't think of anything better ...I was literally shook to the core!!!All i could think of was my ROCKR..I had thought that i might get it,but yeah it wasn't meant for me all my search went in vain !!!I couldn't find even a single trace which could have slightest inkling about the whereabouts of my lost mobile :(
Well that was my piece of encounter encapsulated in a hilarious fashion,believe me it wasn't a moment to be cherished....
Before i rap it up few things which can make encounter with dogs an easy affair;these struck my mind after i mused over the experience
If u have a tree near by,run and climb it(Dogs wont be able to make it for sure)
If u don't have a tree ,or have shrubs to save yourself run towards a water body
If u don't have anything of the above,just turn around and start scolding the dogs on top of your voice(I haven't tried this,i was told abt it ;) )!!!!
Well to end it 'Agar Kuch Kaam Nahi Aaata hai to Dua Kaam Aaat Hai'
So just pray that u don't end up with such a situation....There are no short cuts in life!!!Don't be overtly optimistic,you may never know what is in store for you!!!
Something in the world have no escapes for everything else there is my advice!!!!!
(Please Master Card ppl don't charge me for plagiarism)
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1:48 AM
Before I start of with my articulate observations....The article doesnt have any kind of resemblance with any character in reality...these are merely ficititous or rather manifestations of my mind beyond my control!!!
Human beings are parasites,they are always in search of a companion!!!That works out the same for animals too but lets not get into them....All our life we fight against loneliness...Please dont confuse loneliness with being alone.Loneliness is the state of being detached from the surroundings;somethimes amidst your family members u may feel lonely or amidst a group of people.You may feel like a outsider ....thats the strange thing of being lonely!!!So we set ourselves on the task of finding out the lost love ,a true companion....A considerate and compassionate one!!Here the excitement begins.....
Now lets talk about the so called complex manifestation of human mind called as "feeling".Its a kind of state you get into when you meet a person of your expectations or simply get impressed by the character,attitude and the behaviour and the worst part you think of a name for that,and the obvious choice is ........
True Love is quite an immaculate topic to talk over and quite sensitive too...I dont intend to make inferences here too...Lots (infact lots is an understatement )have made an effort to bring out the true essence of love in their own distinct observation but for us its as naive as .....
Consider yourself in this situation that u had a kind of "feeling" for a person and had thought that she/he is the one u would like to spend the rest of your life.....Would u call this a True Love....
Hmm what if suddenly there is another one and your mind and soul goes awry thinking about the same....So what would u sum it up as?? A mere infatuation!!!Well this would make a nice masala Bollywwod movie rite??
Anyways I dont intend to confuse u with this anymore...Probably the character KARLA or Abdel Khader Khan in shantaram would have a better answer for this!!As i said i wont make inferences on the same as u would say i m prejudiced....
Okay lets get to the point...no can define what "TRUE LOVE"...its just a state of mind;and as many other things in LIFE this is not under our control by any means...So just try to live with it,better read SHANTARAM....It ll certainly make a difference in what u think about life....The bottom line is we hail from a nation with such a rich cultural background and people have done all kind of sacrifices for the sole reason of being true with themselves and have sticked to their eithics!!So whatever decision is taken the intention should be no harm...Let peace be with us!!!
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10:30 PM