Yet Another Talk on Recession
I guess most of us are being bugged by the topic of Recession. It looks like media doesnt have anything else to talk about,Why not panic sells like hot cake[I guess i made some statement ;)]How on earth will a person's day go if one wakes up to the news of Sensex reaching a new low and the global market melting down like an Ice in a microwave. Its always better to wake up to something which soothes ur eyes[Something really S!@# ]
The millionaires and billionaires have their assets halved and why is that???
I have a few silly questions here.....
Have these people committed some grave mistake?
Were they involved in embezzlement of funds?
Was it because of intense competition posed by the open market?
Well to answer it, as all of us know is "None for sure"!!Quite an irony isnt it.Well
ppl dont mistake me ,i m not here to give a lecture on managing a CEO portfolio...I wish to drive home a simple point which would be evident by the end of this post.

Okay for some reasons beyond explainations ,i was reminded of Water Life Cycle.To quote "The water in your glass may have fallen from the sky as rain just last week, but the water itself has been around pretty much as long as the earth has! "So what am I talking about ??The point is simple I m drawing an analogy between our economy and the water cycle.So let me take an example ,if one is planning to buy some furniture and puts it off owing to so called Recession,well the furniture industry is hit ,which triggers a chain of events ,and ultimately it ends up on the person who put it off!!!I m not suggesting one to be extravagant,be smart with your expenditure and at the same time dont be stupid.Dont take any decision just for the heck of it.
Contemplate on this simple argument ,why is our economy growing so fast??
Is it because we have opened our market to foreign investments , not completely its because of the temparament of the people which has changed over the years.People these days dont believe in staying indoors all the time ,saving money so that they can die rich.People wish to have a quality life laid with luxury and comfort.Thanks to it Venture capitalists,entrepreneurs and others have tapped new bussiness avenues, provided employment and livelihood to so many .Science has progressed so far,have u ever thought what might have been the driving force for our intellectual capital to come up with new inventions every other second??Its quite interesting to give it a thought ...Complex it sounds but a simple answer lies deep within....
People back to our topic..I m kinda used to digressing from the topic,straight roads doesnt seem to fascinate me [;)]So whats the point after all the bizzare arguments put above??Its simple ,there is something called as the mood and the economy is what we people have made and like most of the humanly characteristics ,it is mostly influenced with the people who are part of it.To add to it dont spread panic ,if u wanna spread anything spread hope something on a positive which our RBI Governor D Subbarao is doing in every other interviews with media honchos.So the next time you are confronted with anyone spread the cheer, dont let down yourself...Live Life to the fullest!!
To sum it up “Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity.”The point is in believing and accepting the simple and elegant solution!!